Entrepreneurs’ 25 Jump Starters

Yannick Huchard
3 min readMar 7, 2020


From AMASE methodology for Startups

“Starting” is the first tipping point for each and every entrepreneur. Guy Kawasaki wrote a book about it called “The Art of Start 2.0”.

I learned a lot in the process of starting my consulting business, creating several startup products while helping entrepreneurs to get on the starting blocks.

Here, I am sharing with you the result of years of accumulated knowledge and wisdom born from mistakes. 25 recommendations to win the optimal starter state of mind:

  1. Get early feedback on your Idea
  2. You must sell something from day one
  3. Never ever lie to yourself, to your relatives, to your customers, to your partners
  4. Be healthy. Building a successful startup is a matter of years. Treat your mind and body equally, both are a synergetic system
  5. There is no weekend. Your business runs every day
  6. It is all about the Cash Flow. Not the money. Not the number of users. Not the amount of resources you have
  7. You will enter the customer’s universe based on your real value.
  8. Money doesn’t have value, People needs have. You invest in the people who believe in you and your product
  9. You will make mistakes. This is how we learn the best, so learn from them.
  10. But don’t fail, ever. Period.
  11. Learn every day. Everything in your domain first. Learn from other areas, especially the foundations: Business Administration, Finance & Accounting, IT, Marketing & Sales, Human Resources, and Legal
  12. Ask for help whenever you need it
  13. Prioritize. Focus on the top 2 things that must be done, ignore everything else
  14. If you don’t know, ask then confirm
  15. Start small
  16. Think, Design, always
  17. Do. To anticipate too much does NOT make you move toward your goal.
  18. Do it now, not late. Procrastination must die, every morning
  19. If you can’t explain it clearly, there is something fishy
  20. Listen carefully. Every single detail is important. Take it from a rational side.
  21. Trust your guts
  22. Work hard but don’t overdo. If your mind tells you it’s enough, do something to chill, amusement or sleep. Critical deadline are rare, most of the time you impose your own deadlines
  23. Walk the talk. If you say it, do it. If you are not going to do, say it.
  24. Do yourself what you can do 10x faster
  25. « And » is greater than « Or ». You are a team, act like One. Share personal goals and values. Communicate, Communicate, Communicate.

This is YOUR time!

For more details, here is the link to the full presentation on Slideshare:
The Starter State of Mind: https://www.slideshare.net/YannickHuchard/the-starter-state-of-mind

My name is Yannick Huchard. I am a Chief Architect and Entrepreneur, passionate about learning, developing people and businesses.

Feel free to connect:
Yhuchard | Twitter: @YannickHuchard | My website

My products & services :
- Build your startup and enterprise with AMASE methodology:
- For book lovers:
- Create data maps with LightsSphere:

My previous articles:
Why APIs are Fundamental to your Business
How to recruit great Enterprise and IT Architects



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